This isn't a how to post, as usual. Just an observation.
Quite often, an ambition to innovate is paired with an unwillingness to change.
Usually, the latter isn't conscious. But it blocks you from finishing or shipping anything.
It can be quite subtle. In how people speak or collaborate. In pushing back. In sub-par levels of trust.
It might seem obvious at the face of it. Yet, it's probably a common issue companies face when trying to become more innovative.
So before trying to convince anyone about a new product, you might be better off trying to introduce a smaller change of some sort, and seeing where the pushback comes from. And where the fault-lines actually lie. Even though it will create a conflict of sorts, it will highlight what you are up against.
Key takeaways
- An ambition to innovate is often paired with an unwillingness to change.
- Introduce a small change to test how a culture will deal with a bigger innovation.
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