Monday 30 March 2020

What is your biggest question about working remotely?

Just to pick up where I left off last week, my daughter and I managed to get back home. And currently we are under quarantine for 2 weeks. Fortunately, without symptoms so far. We're very lucky that so far nothing particularly bad has happened. And slowly the disease is starting to hit people we know or our friends' parents.

Today I wanted to ask about your shift to working remotely, especially if you haven't done much of that so far. I've run remote teams for a few years, so I'm hoping I may be able to help with any questions or concerns you might have.

On my end, I think the biggest new challenge is the childcare one--working in parallel with becoming a full time homeschooler. That means re=prioritizing. On the fly. Overall spending more time with kids is a good thing, but somewhat painful in the short term. For example, it's difficult to pretend business as usual, when a 5 year old pretending she's a mermaid in the background, flapping her plastic tail on the ground.

Just reply to this message with your question/questions or leave a question in the comments on the blog.

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